Never settle for anything less than tummy laughs 

Throughout life we’re taught to “settle”. We settle into our new schools, new environments and new homes which is all necessary but we’re also subconsciously taught to settle for what we get as opposed to getting the absolute best we know we can get. 

What does this refer to? It refers to people, places and even achievements. We grow up believing we have limits when really, that’s simply our limited thinking. When it comes to working towards goals, we ought to do everything possible to reach it and aim even higher when we do because as a very educate and pious scholar, My shaykh, Dr Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Ninowy said to us “The sky is only the beginning and not the limit”. The same applies to places. Most of us dream of traveling the world yet limit ourselves believing that we’ll never have the chance to as we’ll never be in that earning capacity but all it takes is hard work, dedication, vision and a lot of perseverance. There are countless people who’ve come from absolutely nothing yet have become the greatest personalities and have accomplished their life’s biggest dreams. We listen to them, read about them, aspire to be them yet don’t take action toward accomplishing our own dreams… one baby step forward is still a step taken to bring you closer to achieving all that you want. 

This is all well and good but how does this apply to people? I’ve personally always been the kind of person who attaches myself to people, places and emotions which I’ve only recently learnt to deal with. 

People are tricky because each one has a mind, heart and soul of their own. We come across millions of people in a lifetime but there’s always the few that stand out for different reasons at times. There are some you meet who remain beside you throughout your journey of this life, whilst there are some who simply pass through like a page or chapter in your book, not making it to the end. Every person comes to teach us a valuable lesson and not everyone is meant to stay but throughout this journey, throughout this book, there’ll be one person who may not have been at the beginning but will surely be the hero, main character and well, the subject of the book. This person comes in at a certain point and stays throughout the journey, lasting until the end and beyond. This person, though not written about from the beginning, was there all along, waiting for their grand entry. 

It’s a difficult thing to accept when someone  once dear to you – a friend, lover, or anyone close to you doesn’t make it through every chapter and at times it may seem like they’ve set your standard so high in filling that position that you’re no longer sure anyone else can fill that space better than they did but Do not lose hope my beautiful butterfly because I assure you that once the phase of whatever you’re feeling – rejection, pain, confusion, heartbreak is over, that’s when you truly fly and find what and who was meant for you all along. Sometimes it takes going through life meeting certain people, learning certain lessons and breaking completely before the light of true love is allowed to enter. 

Allah sometimes allows us to follow our own hearts when we’re so adamant and want what we want. After allowing us to do so, if we still don’t realize something isn’t the best for us then He breaks us down to our absolute lowest state in order to build us up according to the best plan He has for us. We may not always accept it at first nor understand it but there will come a time in life when it all falls into place and finally makes sense. 

Always be grateful for everyone you meet but never settle if you feel even the slightest bit of doubt. Always aim for and seek the best because you deserve nothing less. Someday, someone is going to come along and you’ll find in them your standard. They are going to be better than you could have ever imagined and you’ll understand why and how everything in your life has tied up to bring you to this moment in order to unite you with your person. 

Allah is Great and has created from and for you your spouse so never lose hope nor waste time settling for anyone or anything else. Everyone has their time, place and person so be patient my love because someday you’ll have someone make you laugh so hard that your tummy will ache and your heart will be rid of every ache there ever was, your soul so happy that you see the greatness in Allah’s plan all along and your eyes will sparkle out of love for this very person, loving them more and more every moment through the love you have for the Almighty. 

Stay positive, have faith and trust in Allah’s plan. Everything will fall into place and happen as and when it should. Wait for your moment, your person and your time. Wait for the person that makes you smile without trying, the one that makes your eyes sparkle, your heart smile, your tummy ache of laughter and your life just so much greater. This person is going to be your biggest supporter and greatest motivator. 

Remember to always be grateful for them and make sure you do the same for them because to complete your book and have a happy journey and ending, it requires effort from both sides! 

All the best my beautiful souls! Embrace the moments of your life and know that though it may not seem so now, every moment will tie together to bring you the greatest moments of your life! ❤️



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